Media Training | More

Training is great for; those wanting to raise their personal or organisation’s profile by proactively pursuing media opportunities; those who need to be prepared just in case they have to respond to a controversial media issue; and those who understand that media skills can help in their everyday role. Presentation Coaching can also work well for this purpose.

Media training gives you the tools to get your nerves under control when on camera/microphone, speak with credibility and deliver the key messages that are important to you.

  • Gain a broad understanding of the media industry with all its moving parts to feel more comfortable interacting with it.
  • Get heaps of practice to role play on both sides of an interview, so you know how to prepare.
  • Understand how to write and deliver key messages, no matter what the question.
  • Allows you to see and hear yourself in a safe and private environment, which lets you self-assess, improve and practice your ‘performance.’
  • Gives you strategies to be more successful at having your stories published when pursuing media publicity.
  • Learn some ‘go to’ phrases that help you gather your thoughts, take charge of your nerves and handle awkward questions.

How it works

One on one coaching – Begins with a 90 min introductory session and continues for an hour a week for an agreed period (usually 6 weeks).

Workshops for up to 12 people delivered as 2 short sessions or a half day.

I come to your office/place of work with a cameraman (for workshops) and bring all equipment needed for recording and playback. Follow-up and one on one coaching can be done via zoom/phone, or in person

Pep Talk Media Training

Comes with a full resources pack including practice drills, draft media release templates, draft key messages and relevant media contacts where appropriate.

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